Going from Paper to Digital
Many paper-based processes, while at their core essential to a business’s operation, can be improved when transformed into digital processes. That’s why it’s important to go beyond just document management when you go digital, and look at your business processes to see how they can be better managed in the digital realm. The differences are critical.
Document management refers to the organization and storage of documents, usually in a secure system that enables users to find, share and edit documents. Document management systems commonly provide storage, versioning, metadata, security, indexing and retrieval capabilities.
Business processes management (BPM) is a systematic approach to making an organization’s workflow more effective, more efficient and adaptable. The goal of BPM is to reduce human error and miscommunication and focus stakeholders on the requirements of their roles.
A document-centric BPM system is one that focuses on the management of documents within the context of the business processes which the documents fulfill. For instance, a legal document may require editing by an administrator, review by a legal assistant, case law research by a legal intern and final signature by a partner. The document needs to be managed as it goes through the processes to its completion.
The paper-based way of doing this is by moving a paper document from one desk to another. A more advanced way is with an electronic document that is emailed from person to person. The problem with either of these methods is the human element.
A more effective way is to remove the human element from each transaction by creating business process rules that “move” the document seamlessly from one person to another. This rules-based workflow allows an administrator to create a rule that dictates the flow of the document through an organization: for instance, an invoice passes through an approval process and then is routed to the accounts-payable department. Dynamic rules allow for branches to be created in a workflow process. A simple example would be to enter an invoice amount and if the amount is lower than a certain set amount, it follows different routes through the organization. Advanced workflow mechanisms can manipulate content or signal external processes while these rules are in effect.
If you’re looking for Electronic Document Management Software, we invite you to contact us for a business processes review, and let us make recommendations about the best solution for you.